Thank You, God my Father

I believe and trust you and all that you promise me. Father thank you for using me, to show miracles still happen. Doctors said I would never live, walk, talk, hear and write. Teachers said that I would never write, read or graduate from high school. And go on to college. They were all wrong. Just because a baby is born into this world dead does not mean it cannot live! I’m proof! Father thank you for my book “Scrolls From My Heart” by Tabby, so I can share what you have done in my life with others.
In Jesus name.Amen

Cast Down Your Rod

In Exodus 4:2-4

The Lord God asks Moses, “What is in his hand?” Moses replied, “A staff.”
The Lord God said, “Throw it down to the ground.”
Moses did so and it turned into a snake and Moses ran from it.
God said to Moses, “Reach out and grab the snake by the tail.”
Moses did so and it turn back into a staff, again.

A shepherd staff/rod is deadwood, that can’t grow into a tree.
We also can become deadwood, so God uses trials to wake us up so we can be used by

Just as a staff is used to lean on or for security, we use things to lean on or to use as
security. We many use careers, money and so on for a rod.
So what is your rod/staff that you are leaning on? God wants you to cast down you rod
to see if it turns into a serpent. If it does, then you are leaning on it as a security.
So don’t let Satan slither into you life.

God himself should be your only Rod/Staff
In Psalm 23:4 “for Your rod and staff comforts me.”




I pray for the Spirit of God to pour down upon America. Pray for the Spirit of God in each church in America. I pray for repentance of sins and turning to God forgiveness of sins. I pray that every stronghold that is holding people in chains will be broken. So they can Walk in the freedom of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. I pray that every sickness and disease be remove, the stripes of Jesus we are healed. By the blood of Jesus we are saved!

America, come back to God!

My First Book

My first book “Scrolls From My Heart” by Tabby; is about my journey with God as he matured and molded me into Christ’s image with ever growing faith in him. I was a Diamond in the Rough that God molded into a sparkling diamond in Christ’s image so that I could share his words to me with the world.

Book cover to Scrolls From My Heart

My Book is available at the following online retailers.

Inspirations Christian Bookstore

Barnes & Nobles


Eden Co UK
International Sellers

CLC Bookcenter

Miracles Christian Bookstore

New Beginnings Bookstore


If you want / desire peace from the raging seas that are drowning you, look to the hand of Jesus. He is reaching out too you, so he can lift you out, onto the dry land of His heart. He will give you peace for your soul. Not the peace that comes from the world but True peace that comes from an intimate relationship with Him your savior!

Jesus said, ” Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens/troubles, I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart. You will find rest for your soul in me. For my yoke is easy to carry and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30