
Project Id 725974 Headshot Tabby

Below is how I would have described my “spiritual journey” trying to be poetic and trying to make it look like it was some wonderful beautiful thing!
For the most part, it wasn’t!

My spiritual journey took me down dark roads and turns; that led me into things that I wish I never had done and been a part of. For instance Reiki, Healing circles, psychic readings, shamanism, tarot card reading, divination and the list goes on. Sadly, I thought I could take these demonic practices and make them Christian.
As Bill Johnson at Bethel Reading believed that we could take back the demonic and occult practices and take them to their true roots, which was Christianity” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Praise God, in the middle of all this, He called me to Faith & Repentance in Christ Jesus.

I now attend & member of a Confessional Lutheran Missouri Synod church(LCMS).

“In this life, we are all on a spiritual Journey in some form or fashion. I am on a Journey to seek the oneness with God I had as a child and young adult. I am on a journey to restore and strengthen my faith in the one True God; The God of Love, The God of Grace. 

Being led by the Holy Spirit, I am on a quest to share my journey with the world.

I am a servant to God and Jesus! God is my Pilot, Jesus is my Copilot and the Holy Spirit is my Navigator. I am a passenger in my life, on a journey being led by the Holy Spirit with the destination God has in store for me!”

Image by Steinhaus Photography