Father God!

Father God,
Thank you for loving me and wanting me, before I knew you!
Thank you for your patience, when I’ve had none!
Thank your for your guidance in my life, even when I thought You were wrong!

Father, just thank you for all you do for me.
Sometimes I don’t understand why things happen..
I know You know all things and nothing surprises You!

Right now I don’t understand why my job and all the other 3000 employees at Family Christian Stores(FCS)will be out of a job soon.
We first always believe, that working at FCS was a ministry and will be to the last store is closed. Where we served you, Father.
We where there to serve people in our communities, in their journey of faith with You Father and Jesus.
We poured our hearts and souls into FCS to bring Christ into the hearts of people who walked into the stores.
We prayed, ministered, cried and hugged customers, who came through our doors!
Customers would say, “there is a peace and love in this place, like no other place!”
Some customers would come into the stores and not know why they were there, untill we would speak with them and Father you would always open that door to the customer heart and we would minister to them.
We at FCS know that it is the presence of younFather God in our stores, because we all would pray and invite you Father into our stores.
To most people it’s a job, but to us it was our mission field!

I know and believe that when You Father, close one door; you always open another!
I know that FCS has been a training field for all of us.
Father, when you open our new doors of opportunities, please make those doors big and shiny. So we won’t miss the door in our time of grief.

4 thoughts on “Father God!”

  1. Hi Tabby. I heard about the Family Christian Store chain. It is (and was) a powerful ministry and outreach, and God used Family Christian to reach out to many over the years. One of them was my cousin.

    After 30 years of pastoral ministry, I felt led to purse a writing ministry, so I resigned my church in Portland and sought God for a year. During that time, I started working at Christian Supply’s main store (directly across the street from my church). The Christian Supply chain had 22 stores in Oregon and Washington. Before I left the store, management started closing some of the outlets. They are all closed now. So know the sorrow you are feeling, even the loss. I prayed a similar prayer to yours when that happened to us. But I know that in heaven, we will meet all those who were touched by our time, efforts, ministry, and dedication. They will never be the same again. And neither will we. I will be praying for you and the staff and families of Family Christian.

    Blessings in Him!

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